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Enter To Get Your Entire Game Collection Sleeved For Free!
Update 4: Check out our top 20 board gaming shelfies post that is a round up of our favorite shelfies entered into this contest. Thanks again everyone for entering!
Update 3: We just randomly selected the winner of the contest and ... *drum roll* ... HUGE congratulations to Michelle E. for having the luck of the internet contest randomizer Gods on her side!!! Michelle has been contacted and we're excited to sleeve her whole collection! :D
Check out Michelle's collection:
Update 2: Thanks so much to everyone that participated in this contest! We will be announcing a winner within 48 hours! Winner will be posted here and we will also attempt to contact the winner individually via email. Thanks again!
Update: We're entirely blown away by the scope and scale of the reception that this contest has received! You guys are all so awesome! For those that haven't entered yet, be sure to scroll through all of the "shelfie's" in the comments below and then be sure to post one of your own! We're excited to see which game library will soon be all sleeved 100% by Mayday sleeves! Keep being awesome!
Happy Holidays friends and loyal customers!
I've got some exciting news: We're giving away enough sleeves to cover your entire game collection! And if you think that's crazy, wait till' we tell you that we're also going to sleeve every game that you buy within the next 6 months of winning this contest!
Kinda crazy, eh? Crazy or not, here we come!

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