The Mayday Games Blog

Here at Mayday Games, we are dedicated to creating quality products and family games! Our blog is here to give you a peek behind the curtains of our company and our team!

Mayday / Imperial Games 2024-25 Catalog

Mayday / Imperial Games 2024-25 Catalog

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We often bring these catalogs with us to conventions and show them at meetings with other publishers, designers or other business partners but we wanted to ensure all of you could review our 2024-25 catalog online too.  You can check the hi-res PDF version HERE (100+ MB) or a lower res version here (17 mb).    

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Peter and Mayday's Interaction for Crokinole 2024

Peter and Mayday's Interaction for Crokinole 2024

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Customer Interaction Blog Post So this may well be a bit boring to anyone seeing it, but Peter asked us to post our entire interaction from today, July 5, 2024.  For a bit of backstory, Peter was a backer on our 2024 Crokinole campaign (see campaign and comments HERE) but prior to our launching of the surveys he posted the following: I backed the mahogany board at the original campaign. After a lot of thought about the previous two updates I am seriously considering seeking a refund for my pledge. After all the talk about bringing affordable quality boards to players you decide to...

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Mayday CEO gives a rare live, 3-hour interview

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Every wanted to go behind the scenes of board game manufacturing?  Seth has been in the industry since 2008 and in his more than 15 years he has seen some stuff!  This 3-hour no-holds barred interview is Seths' most in-depth ever.  If you are really bored one night you may just wanna watch this.  He talks about living in China for 6 years, the pitfalls of manufacturing games, the highs and lows of Kickstarter and the adventure of having your very own ghetto warehouse!  Ever wondered how Mayday Games got started or where our over produced inventory goes to die?  This...

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Recruit Your Minions to Win! How to Play Tyrants of the Underdark  Card Sleeve Specs

Recruit Your Minions to Win! How to Play Tyrants of the Underdark Card Sleeve Specs

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Before hosting a game night, you have a checklist of to-dos to ensure a fun time is had by all. After buying drinks and snacks, preparing a space for gameplay, and setting the perfect atmosphere, the last step remains to protect your Tyrants of the Underdark cards. Card sleeves offer an easy and affordable way to keep stains and potential tears at bay. High-Quality Tyrants of the Underdark Sleeves True protection comes with getting quality sleeves made with clear polypropylene. This material is free of PVC and acid, providing archival protection. Prior to planning your next adventure with friends, be...

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Gather Evidence: Basics of playing Watergate & How to Protect Your Cards

Gather Evidence: Basics of playing Watergate & How to Protect Your Cards

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If you're a history fanatic, Watergate may be one of your favorite card games. This two-player activity allows you to play as either the Editor or Nixon Administration while depicting one of the most scandalous events in US history. Because there are so many cards used in the game, keeping them safe from tears and stains is important. Investing in a set of Watergate card sleeves from Mayday Games is the best way to keep your game in top shape. Watergate Card Sleeves Watergate has a deck of 44 cards that measure 75 X 105 millimeters. The large size requires...

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