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Pokemon Go Tips With Seth Hiatt, Mayday Games CEO (Plus Enter Our Contest!)
Do you like Pokemon Go? Mayday Games is nerding it up with the rest of the known world. I (Seth) grabbed the handle "Mayday Games" so if you see an Instinct Gym in Northern Utah with his Lapras or Rainer in it, come kill it or join me. Want some nice tips for Pokemon Go, consider these:
- The key to getting good wild Pokemon is to be a high level. The faster you get to level 20 the better your captured Pokemon will be. I splurged for $9.99 in gold to buy in on Incubators. Then use your infinite incubator for 2 K eggs and your 5 k eggs into the 3-use incubators.
- For maximum effect, wait until you have about 20 or more little monsters to evolve, then pop a lucky egg to evolve them all at once. Don't stop there, do like I did and start several 5 K eggs incubating at the same time, then when they hit 4.8 K activate your lucky egg, evolve and walk around to open up the eggs during the 30 minute lucky egg time too. I was able to jump from a level 10 to a level 14 during his first 30-minute lucky egg.
- Remember you can go to the "Shop" once ever 20 hours and "cash in" on gold/experience, you get 10/500 Gold/Experience for every gym you have a Pokemon in, so if you can cash in with 4 gyms you can hit 40 gold and 2,000 Experience, or do it during a lucky egg for double XP.
- Consider board games that give you some of the same experience as Pokemon Go. Consider our new Kickstarter that launched this week called Isle of Monsters. Is this Pokemon Go in a board game? Not really, but there are some similarities. You are leveling up your monsters to fight one another and the game play is very solid.
Go here to check out Isle of Monsters on Kickstarter Today!
Pokemon Go Contest
Show me a screen capture of your Pokemon Go stats in the comments for a chance to win a copy of Isle of Monsters!
Contest ends 8/10/2016 at 11:59PM.
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